Employee Attitude Survey Template

Want to know more about the views and opinions of your employees? Understand your employees' needs and requirements with this employee attitude survey template.

Understanding Employee Attitude Survey Template

Want to get complete support from your employees for making smarter business decisions?

Employees are considered the cornerstone for the success of your business. This employee attitude survey is a tool that helps you learn about the views and opinions of their employees. It helps management understand the multiple needs of the employees. The survey template provides your workforce an opportunity to provide confidential feedback on their opinions of your company.

To create a survey using the Employee Attitude Survey Template, just sign up or sign in to Zonka Feedback.  You’ll be able to choose this template when you begin creating your feedback form or survey. Customize it today and start sharing!

List of Employee Attitude Survey Questions

The following questions are included in the Employee Attitude Survey Template:

  • How would you rate the leadership team based on their decision-making and their ability to support their employees?
  • How satisfied are you with the initiatives run in the past 12 months?
  • Do you feel the organization's values and goals align with your own?
  • Do you feel you have all the tools you need to do your job?
  • Which of the following do you agree with?

Sign Up on Zonka Feedback for free and implement the Employee Attitude Survey Template in your account to collect feedback from employees.

Create and send this Employee Attitude Survey Template

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