NPS Key Drivers Template

This NPS Key Drivers Template helps you understand what aspect of your brand drives customer loyalty. This template will offer a detailed report of the factors that affect your customer experience and the areas you can improve.

Understanding NPS Key Drivers Template

Utilize our expert NPS Key Drivers Template to capture NPS score and know the areas of your brand that work well on your customers and ones that require more work. The NPS Key Drivers Template has been designed to help you understand what attribute of your brand or product drives customer loyalty. The data collected through this survey can help enhance the customer experience and deliver more value.  

To create a survey using the NPS Key Drivers Template, just sign up/sign in to Zonka Feedback. You’ll be able to choose the NPS Key Drivers Template when you begin creating your feedback form or survey.

List ofNPS Key Drivers Template Questions

The NPS Key Drivers Template includes the following questions:

  • On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?
  • We're sorry to know that your experience was not great. Could you choose what areas we can improve on? Select all the factors that apply
  • What do you suggest we can improve to make your experience amazing with us? Select all the factors that apply
  • That's great to know! Please select what areas did we do well in and affected your score positively. Select all the factors that apply

If you're measuring customers loyalty, you can add more questions to NPS Key Drivers Survey. The survey software also lets you collect customer information or add a comment box in the template to get more details. You can also integrate it into your tools and pass data while taking feedback using this NPS Key Drivers Template.

Sign Up on Zonka Feedback for free and implement this NPS Key Drivers Template Survey in your account to measure customer loyalty.

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