Product Net Promoter Score Survey Template

What is the likelihood of your customers recommending your product and product line to their friends and family?

Understanding Customer Loyalty for your Product with NPS Surveys

Do customers like the product of your company and what are the chances that they’re likely to recommend using the product to their friends, family, and colleagues? With our expert Product Net Promoter Score Survey Template you can ask customers about their likelihood of recommending your product to others and gauge their feedback about your product line and your brand.

This Product NPS survey template has been designed to get a deep insight into customers’ likelihood to recommend your product and to further investigate the reasons for their score with a logic-based survey screen. If the customer has rated you 9 or 10, i.e. if the customer is a promoter then the follow-up question would be regarding what they like about the product. If the customer has rated 8 or below, i.e. the customer is either neutral or a detractor, then the follow-up question would be about what improvements the customer would like to see in the product.

The NPS survey template for Product loyalty has been designed to be completed in less than a minute with all one-click questions. You can customize and personalize the survey to add your brand identity like logo, colors, backgrounds and add questions to better use the template to meet your requirements.

To create a survey using the Product Net Promoter Score Survey Template, just sign up or sign in to Zonka Feedback. You’ll be able to choose the template when you begin creating your feedback form or survey.

List of Product Net Promoter Score Survey Template

The following questions are included in this Product Net Promoter Score Survey Questions.

  • What features do you find yourself using the most?
  • How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?
  • Can you elaborate on the reason for the score you have given?
Sign Up on Zonka Feedback for free and implement a Product Net Promoter Score Survey Template in your account to capture the data.

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