Student Mental Health Check-in Survey Template

The student mental health check-in survey help you get quick check on students’ mental health status and wellbeing. It tells you how they are dealing with it and how their learning is affected in this difficult times.

Understanding Student Mental Health Check-in Survey Template

Our expert student mental health check-in survey helps you get a quick check on students’ mental health status and wellbeing. At present, mental health is a big concern. This template helps you in understanding your students’ mental status and how they are dealing with it. Also, you can find out how their learning is affected in these difficult times.

To create a survey using the Student Mental Health Check-in Survey Template with Comments, just sign up or sign in to Zonka Feedback.

List of Student Mental Health Check-in Survey Template Questions

The following questions are included in this Student Mental Health Check-in Survey Template

  • The topics we've been learning at school are easy for me to understand and follow.
  • If I have questions about my work or become stuck, I can seek assistance from my teachers.
  • If I have any questions or get stuck at work, I can ask for help from my family.
  • I developed a routine that helps me learn.
  • I am going outside for a walk for half an hour or more every day.
  • I feel like I have someone to talk to
  • I have been thinking about how Covid-19 has affected my education
  • Is there anything else you want us to know?

Sign Up on Zonka Feedback for free and implement this Student Mental Health Check-in Survey Template in your account to gather students' feedback.

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