Table of Contents
chapter 1


Great products aren’t built in isolation; to create a customer-centric SaaS product, it’s important to give the end-users of your product a say in decision-making.

How to get the right messaging? How to create a sophisticated product that people actually want to use? How to make consistent updates to stay competitive? Product feedback from customers can give you insights that can help you make all the right decisions.

SaaS product feedback isn’t a one-time job; it is a continuous process that shapes your product roadmap with a sure-fire customer-centric approach.

But, what is product feedback? How can you capture feedback? How can a product feedback tool help? How to leverage feedback throughout your product development and enhancement journey? Read all about it in this comprehensive guide.

chapter 2

What is Product Feedback?

Product feedback is information shared by your customers based on their experience with the product. It can be captured through different mediums, such as surveys, direct communication, etc.

Product feedback ensures that SaaS companies do not work as a deer in the headlight, but instead have a clear sight of what they must build to maximize user satisfaction. It allows eliminating bad ideas and enables working with a customer-centric thought process backed by reliable customer data.

Moreover, customers can be involved in decision-making from the stage of inception so that there is lesser backtracking and more progress.

Chapter 3

Product Feedback Types

There are two types of product feedback:

Solicited Feedback

Solicited feedback is when you ask your customers to share their views, positive or negative, based on their experiences with your product. It requires your CX team to provide context and ask for information that would be helpful in improving the product.

Unsolicited Feedback

Unsolicited feedback is when your customers share feedback directly or indirectly without being asked to. This information may come in an unorganized way and requires CX teams to dig deeper, sometimes more often, to recover insightful data.

chapter 4

Product Feedback Methods

You can collect product feedback through different methods based on the kind of information you are looking for. Here are the key product feedback techniques that businesses around the globe use:

1. Product Feedback Surveys

Surveys are an effective product feedback tool that helps collect the right data at the right time. Digital surveys give SaaS companies more control over the collection and management of data, while also improving the feedback sharing experience of customers.

Survey Types

CSAT: CSAT or Customer Satisfaction is the measure of customers’ satisfaction levels in terms of product features and experience. CSAT surveys can be shared via email and can also be embedded directly in the app or website so users can share their feedback while using the product.

A CSAT survey prompts the user to share their experience on a scale of 1 to 10 and can be configured to collect event-specific feedback, for example,

  • To measure the performance of new features or launches
  • To validate new concepts or ideas
  • To collect feedback on pricing and packages
  • To capture refreshing suggestions on product improvement
  • To measure website feedback
  • To measure overall satisfaction with the product

Here’s a CSAT survey question:

CSAT Hearts Rating Survey Question

NPS: NPS or Net Promoter Score indicates the customers’ willingness to recommend the product to others. It is an important metric since it helps in developing impactful referral strategies and attractive packages to invite new users.

Here’s an NPS survey question:


2. Customer Interviews

Customer interviews are still an effective product feedback strategy that can help in everything from research to post-launch improvements of a SaaS product.

The key to interviewing customers is to avoid any leading questions that may interrupt their chain of thought and affect the feedback quality. The interviewees must be given a platform to discuss and share their honest opinions and suggestions.

Customer interviews, however, can be limiting since they do not allow capturing product feedback from a vast audience. A combination of digital feedback and direct interviews can do wonders though.

3. Product Analytics

Product analytics is an indirect product feedback method that helps in understanding how it is performing. It gives a direct insight into users' activity, which can validate your research and earlier feedback.

Often, you may miss out on critical feedback, leading to ambiguity. But with product analytics, you can identify underlying issues. For example, you can check customer churn, analyze subscriptions, etc. Moreover, you can check when anomalies happen to understand where the issue lies.

The product analytics data is the starting point of your research and ensures that you make the efforts in the right direction.


Product feedback is critical if you wish to stay competitive. It helps you align your SaaS product with customers’ needs and upgrade your offerings from time to time.

Begin with direct customer feedback and choose a tool that allows you to create a consistent feedback loop and enables you to manage data effectively so that your team can take care of more important customer-centric tasksNew call-to-action